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PRP Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

Bespoke Hair Loss Treatments

Platelet Rich Plasma is a procedure which stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. PRP is rich in 'growth factor' and other proteins which are essential for the restoration and regeneration of new cells. The treatment involves taking a small blood sample from the patient, the blood is then placed into a centrifuge to 'spin' at high speed and separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma. This plasma is then injected back into the scalp to induce hair growth. 
This treatment is beneficial for both men and women, with statistics showing that 85 % of men are now affected by the age of 50 and 40 % of women by the age of 50. In the UK alone over 15 million people suffer with some form of temporary or permanent condition of hair loss or thinning. 
Non surgical procedures in hair loss are becoming increasingly popular and continue to rise with the results that are now being seen with this transformational treatment.

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